One of the earliest designs produced were from the 1890s, The Gay 90's.The 1890s in the United States was a time of prosperity. Gaslights, early bicycles, tin ceilings and the closing down of the century. Tin ceilings were very popular for the decorativeness, affordability, and durability compared to plasterwork. It became mainstream, by not being just for the wealthy any more. It also offered perfect protection against fire, water, vermin and rodents. It wouldn't peel, crack or shrink. Today at Chelsea, we would say that the Victorian Designs are the most popular and they can be framed and hung as a piece of art. Read more below pictures:

These designs are available, with so much more, by Chelsea Decorative Metal Company. Above you can see a 6" design for smaller areas like bathrooms, hallways and pantries. There are two different 1' designs, which are best in kitchen, breakfast rooms and dining rooms. I'm not saying there has to be food associated with the 1' designs. They work great in bedrooms, living rooms and game rooms. The 2' design are usually used commercially, but also work well residentially if the ceilings are high. Filler should also be used with 2' designs and I will explain further in a future Blog. For now . . . keep looking up.
NOTE: You can send us a diagram with the dimensions as close as you can get. Doesn’t have to be drawn to scale, I will do that. List the designs you think you would like to use and your address. I will draw up a diagram that will help your installer, as well as, have what you need and the cost to get it to you.
Thanks for reading.